5 Day NVC Mediation Training with Liv Larsson (from Sweden).
21-25 August 2021 – Sydney Crows Nest
NB: For more information about this training:
Shari Elle and Anne Deane are delighted to announce that Liv Larsson, international mediator, author of over 20 communication and mediation books, and Certified Trainer with the Centre for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) has agreed to come to Australia and offer her 5-Day Mediation Training to the Australian community.
Liv mediates internationally and has worked with mediators in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Australia. In her mediation trainings, Liv brings an emphasis on creating connection, building trust and the importance of working with shame and vulnerability – crucial factors in the success of any mediation. We are excited to be sharing this training with the Australian Community.
No prior mediation experience is needed however we request you have completed the NVC Foundation Training prior to attending this course. This course will be highly beneficial for experienced mediators.
For more information: https://communicationgroup.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Final-Mediation-Document-Aug-2021.pdf
Dates and Times
November 2, 2020 - November 7, 2020
8:30 am - 4:00 pm