Expired Practice Group NVC, On-Line & In-Person Start Wed 4 Oct 2017 Crows Nest

Event Phone: 0412233955

NB: If you experience any problem booking through the website please call Shari on 0412 233 955.

Dates: Fortnightly Wed 4 October to 29 November 2017 (5 Sessions).

7-9pm Sydney time

This experiential Practice Group & Training is being run by Shari Elle, co-founder of NVC in Australia.

It will deepen and refresh the skills you learned during the Foundation Training (Prerequisite) whilst supporting you to implement and practice NVC in your day to day life. No matter how long ago you learned NVC, or how extensive your training, this is a perfect way to implement living from NVC awareness.

Some of What you will Learn and Practice:

~ use NVC to rest in your heart in situations which otherwise would send you withdrawing or chasing after the other,

~ JUST LISTEN to people you care about in the way they want to be listened to… even when you are really wanting to “fix it”.

~ Show yourself vulnerably in a way that doesn’t seem “desperate” or “damaged” but is true and from the heart.

~ Use your NVC skills in the workplace and other settings to be heard and make a difference – without it sounding formulaic!!!

~ Drop your defences when the other person seems to be “having a go” at you and speak from openheartedness… or take other honest actions.

~ Know the boundaries of what is really important to you and honour them! Being honest (to myself) with my own needs.

~ Recognise when you are taking actions to “please” or “be accepted” and instead have choice to speak and/or act more authentically

Topics Covered:

  • Honesty
  • Self Empathy
  • Empathic Listening
  • Seeing the Beauty in your and others needs
  • Embodying the Beauty of Needs
  • Making Attractive Requests that will help to get what you want
  • Focusing on what I want to create (rather than bringing the past into this moment)

How It Works:

1. The training takes place in two ways simultaneously.  You can attend either

  • in person in a home in Crows Nest OR
  • on line via Zoom Conference*
  • (you can do a combination of the 2 if you prefer).

Once you have booked, a confirmation letter with event details and simple “zoom” instructions will be sent to your email address.

Refunds Policy:

We will happily transfer your booking to an alternate Communications Group event or another person however refunds are not available.

*Zoom Conference is simple software which allows us to be together in the on a joint “skype” type call, where participants can see each other.  It is easy to use.  When it is time for the exercises, we will break into smaller skype type meeting rooms where you will join in a chat room or 2-4 people who are also on the call to do the exercise.  You can see other participants and I can visit your group.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Dates and Times

  •  October 5, 2017 - November 29, 2017
     6:00 pm - 8:00 pm



Crows Nest, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia