About This Work

About this work

Imagine... connecting with the human spirit, in each person, in any situation.

Imagine... interacting with others in a way that allows everyone's needs to be equally valued.
Imagine... creating organisations and life-serving systems responsive to our needs and the needs of our environment.

Living Peace helps connect us with what is alive in ourselves and in others moment-to-moment, with what we or others could do to make life more wonderful, and with an awareness of what gets in the way of natural giving and receiving.

Living Peace strengthens our ability to inspire compassion from others and respond compassionately to others and ourselves.

Living Peace guides us to reframe how we express ourselves, how we hear others and resolve conflicts by focusing our consciousness on what we are:

observing ~ feeling ~  needing ~  requesting

Living Peace is a process of empathy and honesty, and is sometimes described as “the language of the heart.”

For more information about NVC

For information about NVC and the work of Marshall Rosenberg see
www.cnvc.org www.nvcaustralia.com and www.nonviolentcommunication.com
[Text courtesy of the Center for Nonviolent Communication]
