4 Day Living NVC Retreat

Have you learnt NVC and want to live it more fully in your life . . .


This retreat has 2 focuses:

  1. To enrich your relationship with yourself
    (How do I have clarity and awareness of what is true or “alive” for me - my needs and what I care about?) And
  2. To enrich my relationships with those I love
    (With this loving self awareness, how do I communicate with those close to me, clearly and lovingly, in a way that honours us both? And how do I deeply hear what is going on for them, even when I am triggered?)
  3. To deeply learn and embody the skills and practices of NVC in my life

These 4 days will be highly nourishing, both physically and emotionally. They are also highly experiential.


During the four days, you will be in a community of unconditonal love, support and non-judgment.  We'll get to connect deeply with our bodies during our yoga practices, and take empathy walks to connect with nature. We will be deeply learning powerful skills whilst receiving nurturing and gently releasing patterns, which unbeknown to us, we may have held onto for years!


You will leave refreshed, reinvigorated and confident in your ability to use NVC in any situation. All of this will be under the care and guidance of Shari Elle, and an experienced assistant trainer.


Topics to be covered during this retreat include...


- Speed Summary of Foundation Training (20 Mins)
- Difficult Conversations
- Importance of Boundaries - connection not walls
- Being with Anger, mine and others
- Asking for what I want
- Loving myself Loving you.
- Empathic Listening with someone difficult to hear
- Loving Parts of me I dont Enjoy - coming back to wholeness
- Lets Talk about Sex - asking for what I want (optional)
and so much more…


This experience is one you are likely to remember forever.



All prices are GST inclusive

Date the Deposit of
$450 Is Due
Date Full Payment is DueInvestment per person inc GST
Early-BirdCloses Fri 14 Oct ‘22Mon 7 Nov ‘22$895
Normal rateCloses Mon 7 Nov '22Mon 7 Nov ‘22$995

To Register

Go to www.communicationgroup.com.au

  • Click on the 4 Day Living NVC Retreat – “Book”
  • Pay either a $450 non-refundable deposit or the full amount to secure your place in the training.

Venue, Times and Accommodation

The 4 day retreat will be in-person, at Alexandra Headland. It commences on Thursday 10th November at 9am, (8.30 registration) and concludes Sunday 13th November 2022 at 1pm. Thurs, Fri and Sat the sessions are 9am to 5.00pm.

Accommodation is self organised so you have time to reflect, self connect and play outside the retreat

Download Flyer for the Program:

Click here for Flyer



There will be a limited number of partial scholarships available, dependent upon registration rates.  Please contact me on shari@communicationgroup.com.au if your financial situation makes it prohibitive to attend.


Prerequisite for this Training:

As we will be building on what you have learnt at the NVC Foundation Training, we request that you have attended the equivalent of a 2 Day Foundation Training with a Certified Trainer (don't worry if you think you have forgotten everything, we will give you reminders :~) ).

If you feel you have enough experience without this prerequisite, please contact Shari prior to registering to explore if the experience you have will support the learning of the group.


For more Information

If you require additional information, please email:
shari@communicationgroup.com.au or phone on 0412 233 955

You can register at https://communicationgroup.com.au/#_advanced


Being Me - Loving You
4 Day In-person Retreat

Thursday 10 Nov - Sunday 13 Nov 2022

Would you like to move beyond the “theoretical knowing” of NVC, and have it as your primary nature?

Would you like to be able to use this way of relating, in your toughest relationships, and not lose yourself in emotional “freeze” or “reactivity”?

Do you want your children to have role-models of emotional self-awareness so they can have rich relationships?

Would you like to be really clear on your boundaries and able to say “yes” or “no” with care and clarity?

About Shari Elle, your Trainer

Shari is a co-founder of NVC in Australia and has offered NVC trainings since 2001. She has worked extensively with Dr Marshall Rosenberg and is Certified as an International NVC Trainer with CNVC since 2004.

Shari works with people to powerfully and authentically create trust and connection, and transform the quality of relationships.  She mentors NVC trainers, works in organisations, runs a 6 month Peer Leadership Program, holds advanced trainings & coaches one on one.

Our 4 Day Living NVC Retreat will leave you feeling refreshed, reinvigorated and confident with NVC in any situation.
This is an unforgettable experience that will change who you are at core level, and remain imprinted in your body, mind and soul for years to come.

There is this spaciousness since the retreat. I feel so alive! And there are no judgments popping up in my head. It's really quiet inside me and I am automatically going to empathy and honesty in a very authentic way. Truthfully I thought that NVC was a nice idea and that I would maybe make some progress by practising regularly. Now though, I can see I am really going to be able to live this in my life!! In fact I AM living this now! I have done so many courses, intense psychotherapy and psychological work and there has been nothing as transformative - the retreats and the coaching especially."
Annette Lewington, Participant


I got closure of so many past experiences because of completion and fulfilment of so many unmet needs which I carried with me throughout my life, now met in the safe, secure, stable, empathic, caring, nurturing, tender environment that I have experienced in the NVC retreats.
This has been the most enriching program I have experienced and I recommend it to everyone who is willing and prepared to live truthfully, honestly and authentically and wishes to connect empathically with themselves and others they care about.
Lynette Howearth, Participant


I certainly got the opportunities and learning to deepen my NVC consciousness and abilities. I am more than satisfied with what I received. I continue to be impressed by the level of teaching provided, and the amount of thought and consideration that goes into making the retreat the best it can be.
The training met what I was looking for: a level of challenge that required another level of NVC ability/facility of me.
Genevieve Gibbs, Participant,


“I started on this journey because I wanted to connect more with those closest to me, and I realised that I can only start when I connect with myself first. I realised I wanted an outcome that was not achievable until I connected with myself first. Since doing the retreat last June I definitely have more consciousness about my responses. I am prepared to go more sloooowly, and that was a big one for me, because I was always interrupting, talking loud, and forcing my point of view. So going slow, taking time, connecting with myself and expressing that what I truly want is connection, is what has changed my life. When I get that about myself, then I can connect with the other.”
Alan Kras, Participant


Thank you for everything. You inspire me in different ways. Your integrity, transparency, openness, generosity.
Your insights, willingness to support and guide us. Mostly your courage to take risks and trust the process.

Bridget O'Donnell, Mother and Eco-Community Member