Peer Leadership and Mentoring Program (PLP) 6 Month DETAIL Starts (PLP#9)


Next Program Commences: 6th March 2025 - 15th September 2025

Have you wanted to really live this NVC care authenticity, and power in your life as well as in all your relationships?

Do you want more clarity around the skills and how to apply the different paradigms of NVC?

Have you considered sharing this work with others, formally or informally, and would like mentorship, acceleration, and confidence in developing your skills?

Would you like this simple self-awareness and authenticity that NVC brings in all your relationships?

Would you like to step into your authentic leadership in your workplace or profession, to encourage the care, safety and trust that NVC brings?

If so, then I am proud and delighted to announce the commencement of the 6 month Peer Leadership and Mentoring Program in Australia.

Next Program Commences: 6th March 2025 - 15th September 2025

Have you wanted to really live NVC - with care, authenticity, and power - in your life as well as in all your relationships?

Do you want more clarity around the skills and how to apply the different paradigms of NVC?

Have you considered sharing this work with others, formally or informally, and would like mentorship, acceleration, and confidence in developing your skills?

Would you like the simple self-awareness and authenticity that NVC brings in all your relationships?

Would you like to step into your authentic leadership in your workplace or profession, to encourage the care, safety and trust that NVC brings?

Next Program Commences:
6th March 2025 - 15th September 2025

What Is the 6 Month Peer Leadership and Mentoring Program?


This is a small group of committed people, stepping more into their personal leadership, and being intimately mentored by me – Shari Elle – over this 6 months.

It is called the “Peer Leadership Program” because in addition to having me to work with you, each member is also taking responsibility for their own learning and needs whilst also co-creating the learning environment for the group.  We each bring all our experiences to this group and share the skills we have in creating a rich environment of leader-full learning.

I have run this program previously and it exceeded every hope I had.  One participant is now a Certified Trainer in Australia and Internationally.  Another became a community leader, assisting in an intense high need geographic region of Australia.  He told me that there is no way he could have done the chaplaincy  work he did without having completed the PLP.

This is a group where we all get to know each other intimately.

I look forward to the adventure of journeying with you in this Peer Leadership and Mentoring Program.

Aims of Program:


  • To develop the skills and awareness of the next generation of NVC leaders to exceptional levels
  • To integrate the intentions and practice of NVC into the daily life of participants
  • To enhance the skills of participants to teach NVC and offer one on one NVC coaching sessions, and to support friends and family when required.
  • To evolve a community of leaders creating the change they want to see in the world – from mutual support.
  • To vastly accelerate the speed and depth of integration of NVC awareness and reduce the time toward certification (if that is what you intend).

Outline of Program:


The Program is specifically designed to nurture, accelerate and deepen the integration of NVC principles and practices into participant’s lives.  It runs over a six month period and it’s transformational power is achieved through our group intention, mentoring, and the focused integration of this practice over this time.

The program consists of the following:


  • 2 x In Person/Online Trainings (1 x 4 days, 1 x 3 days weekend) - These are peer leadership trainings with the full group, led by certified trainer Shari Elle. We cover both the understanding and practical application of NVC at a deeper level than is normally shared during a regular NVC training. It also provides the space to “live NVC” with each other.  These are In-Person, with the option to attend online if you prefer.
  • Fortnightly Live Trainings – Fortnightly 2 hour zoom calls, learning and practicing the NVC skills and principles and sharing our individual learning. This call is led by a certified trainer (usually Shari) and sometimes by other guest trainers.  These calls are recorded.
  • Mentoring by Shari – Shari will be working closely with each person over the 6 months and offering personalised guided feedback every step of the way.
  • One on one access to Shari – You will have direct access to Shari by text or email, with questions, celebrations, or anything else you need.
  • Pods – You will be in a Pod of 3-5 people through the duration of the program and these pods will meet monthly with Shari for up to two hours.  It is a time for personal questions and support, practice, celebrations, and basically to learn from each other and offer mutual support.  This time is yours to use as you would like.
  • Empathy and Support Buddy (optional) –  A rotating buddy will be allocated to practice the exercises, exchange empathy, and get honest feedback.  This accelerates learning through increased practice and feedback.
  • Peer support group – We are all actively supportive of each person growing and developing in the group. We are there in service of each other.
  • Private Signal Group – There is a private Signal group just for our group, where you can share your celebrations and insights and challenges.  You can also ask questions of the group.

About Shari Elle:

Shari has been sharing NVC since 2001 and is one of the co-founders of NVC in Australia.  She is Internationally Certified as a CNVC trainer with the Center of Nonviolent Communication since 2004.

She has studied extensively with Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, and teaches and mentors upcoming NVC trainers.

Shari works in Australia and Internationally sharing NVC.  She thrives on creating human connection and understanding within families, workplaces, and communities, as well as mentoring the next generation of leaders with this awareness of what supports Human Connection.

Shari was an originator and co-founder of the 8 month program Embodying NVC Consciousness Training which successfully ran for over 9 years, and trained over 200 people through the 8 month program.  Numerous NVC Certified Trainers have also come through this program. On it’s closure in Oct 2019, the current Peer Leadership Program was born!

Requests of Participants joining the Peer Leadership Program:


  • To have an intention to embody this consciousness over the 6 months, applying self connection, honesty, and empathy, both during and outside the sessions.
  • To support each other in our collective learning of NVC.
  • To complete the 6 month program together.
  • To commit to attend every scheduled training and coaching session except under extreme situations (this is part of holding the
    importance of intention and commitment.)
  • To implement any self determined homeplay exercises between coaching sessions
  • To participate in the Signal Group to contribute to group learning and so much more.
  • As the basics of NVC are assumed I request that a minimum of 2 days NVC training with a certified trainer be completed either prior to program commencement. Please discuss any concerns/queries about this with Shari.

Time Commitment Required for Program:


The aim of this program is for it to be incorporated into the participant’s regular lives and therefore does not require large amounts of time commitment outside of the specified training.  It does however require a six month focus of incorporating NVC into your life.


The envisaged time required to complete this program over 6 months is

  • 2 x In Person/Online Trainings (1 x 4 days, 1 x 3 days)
  • Average of twice monthly 2 hour zoom training session.
  • Pod Group call with Shari once a month for 2 hours.
  • Living your normal life to do homeplay (unless you chose some other homeplay)
  • Personal postings in the Signal Group (can be as brief or detailed as you like) 5-10 minutes per month.
  • Empathy Buddy exchange – 1 hour per week or fortnight.

PLP Program and Certification:


Accreditation for NVC certification is coordinated by CNVC and is independent of this training.  Refer to Certification Pack on CNVC website

However, all work done in the PLP with Shari contributes to the number of days and hours which you are accruing toward your 50 days.  We are also covering much of the content you will require for certification.  The skills you learn, both in NVC skills and how to share NVC are directly applicable to certification.

In addition, if you are intending or considering becoming certified, I suggest you use this 6 month period to compile your NVC jackal and giraffe and personal insights journal that is required for certification.


Zoom Fortnightly Training Format:


The Peer Leadership Zoom Training Sessions are for a total of 2 hours twice monthly, on Monday evenings, between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm NSW time (although this may be varied by group agreement). Dates are listed in Appendix 1.

The format for these calls is:

  • Members are asked to join the line 5-10 minutes prior to the starting time. This 10 minutes is for you to settle into the call and connect with others in the Peer Leadership Program.
  • The call structure is:
    • Brief check in
    • Learning of a key principal / practice of NVC,
    • Breakout group to practice the exercise and get feedback with partner/group.
    • Share Questions and Learnings/Ah-ha’s.
    • Closing circle
  • To connect with the zoom call, you simply need a good internet connection and computer/ipad.  Zoom allows for breakout groups so we will have small group practice.

Practice Buddy (optional but recommended):


  • If you would like a practice buddy, Shari will allocate you a rotating buddy (changed monthly by roster for those who wish to participate).
  • Every week or fortnight (by arrangement with your buddy) you will get together (by zoom or in person) and practice the skills learnt in the previous session or exchange empathy. You will also have the opportunity for feedback (in NVC format – you will learn this in an early session) to support you both to improve your skills.
PLP How It Works Diagram

Commencement Date:

  • Program commences Thursday 6th March 2025 (Sunshine Coast 4 Day Retreat) to 15th September 2025.  See Appendix A for full date details.

Investment in Program:

Payment Options:

  • Pay in Full:
    Total $7998 inc GST.
    $898 non-refundable deposit on application to secure your place.
    The remainder of $7100 due at least two weeks before commencement of official program or bonus evenings.
  • Monthly Payment Plan:
    Total $8998 inc GST
    $898 non-refundable deposit is payable to secure your place.
    Then 6 Monthly payments of $1350 AUD to be paid via automated payments.  First payment due 2 weeks before the program commences then 5 more payments on 1st of each subsequent month.
  • Other Agreed Method:
    Please talk to Shari to explore how we can make this program work for you.

*Please note, as this is a mutual 6 month commitment, once you are accepted into this program, there are no cancellations.  If you leave the program, the full amount is payable if you withdraw from the program before it's end.

I would like this program to be accessible for everyone regardless of financial circumstances.  If you are currently seeing this amount as beyond your affordability, please contact me so we can explore strategies to meet everyone’s needs.


Next Step:

If this program sounds interesting for you then register in. If you have any questions about the program, please contact Shari on or call me on 0412233955.


Appendix A: Dates of Trainings

The in-person training dates on the Sunshine Coast are below.


Retreat One- Thurs 6 March - Sun 9 March 2025
5.30pm gathering on Wednesday 5th March (optional)
9.00 am - 5.00 pm Thursday 6th March
9.00 am - 5.00 pm Friday 7th March
9.00 am to 5.00 pm Saturday 8th March
9.00 am to 3.00 pm Sunday 9th March


Retreat Two - Friday 18th July - Sunday 20th July 2025
5.30pm gathering on Thursday 17th July (optional)
9.00 am - 5.00 pm Friday 18th July
9.00 am to 5.00 pm Saturday 19th July
9.00 am to 3.00 pm Sunday 20th July

Online Fortnightly Zoom Calls:

All calls are 7-9pm AET (Sydney/Melb time)

  • Mon 17th March 2025
  • Mon 31st March
  • Mon 14th April
  • Mon 28th April
  • Mon 12th May
  • Mon 26th May
  • Mon 9th June
  • Mon 23rd June
  • Mon 7th July
  • Mon 21st July
  • Mon 4 August
  • Mon 18 August
  • Mon 1 September
  • Mon 15 September (final night)

Appendix B: Program Content

Program content may include some of the following (includes information from Certification Pack) and beyond:

  • Self Empathy
  • Listening to another empathically
  • Expressing honestly
  • Receiving empathy
  • Making requests
  • Hearing “No” – the Yes in No
  • Expressing “No” – Expressing the Yes.
  • Reward and Punishment
  • Moving with Life Energy
  • Collaboration versus competition
  • “Being Giraffe” vs “doing Giraffe”
  • Giraffe honesty vs Jackal honesty
  • Empathy vs sympathy
  • Protective vs punitive use of force
  • Power with vs power over
  • Appreciation vs approval, compliments or praise
  • Choice vs submission or rebellion
  • Observation vs observation mixed with evaluation
  • Feelings vs feeling mixed with thoughts
  • Need vs Request
  • Request vs Demand
  • Stimulus vs Cause
  • Value judgment vs moralistic judgment
  • Natural vs habitual
  • Interdependence vs dependence or independence
  • Life connected vs life alienated
  • Shift vs compromise
  • Persisting vs demanding
  • Self discipline vs obedience
  • Respect for authority vs fear of authority
  • Vulnerability vs weakness
  • Love as a need vs love as a feeling
  • Self empathy vs acting out, repressing or wallowing in feelings
  • Idiomatic vs classical (formal) giraffe
  • Guessing vs knowing
  • Empathic sensing and intellectual guessing.
  • Three kinds of giraffe requests
  • Hearing another’s anger or blame or criticism
  • Self empathy when stimulus is external
  • Self empathy when stimulus is internal
  • Mourning and learning from our regrets
  • Screaming in Giraffe
  • Interrupting
  • Expressing gratitude
  • Receiving gratitude
  • Making conscious choices with awareness of needs
  • Expressing an “apology” in Giraffe
  • Loving all parts of myself
  • Inner Educator and Inner Chooser
  • Plus More…

“There is a deep calling within each of us…
we just need to listen”

- Shari –
