4 DAY “LIVING NVC” RETREAT 10-13 June 2021 – Online

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Dates and Times

  •  June 10, 2021 - June 13, 2021
     9:00 am - 5:00 pm

If you have learned NVC and want to live it more fully in your life . . .

Would you like to move beyond the “theoretical knowing” of NVC, and have it as your primary nature? 

Would you like to be able to use this way of relating, in your toughest relationships, and not lose yourself in emotional “freeze” or “reactivity”?

Do you want your children to have role-models of emotional self-awareness so they can have rich relationships?

Would you like to be really clear on your boundaries and able to say “yes” or “no” with care and clarity?

During these 4 days, we will be immersing in the consciousness of NVC and living from these NVC principles in how we interact together. We will be practicing NVC in exercises and building on our understanding of NVC through strengthening our NVC skills…. All from the richness of safe and trusting community.

This retreat has 3 main focuses:

  1. To enrich my relationship with myself
    (How do I have clarity and awareness of what is true or “alive” for me – my needs and what I care about? How do I honour myself in every situation and come from a place of fullness, power and inner worth.) And
  2. To enrich my relationships with those I love
    (With this loving self awareness, how do I communicate with those close to me, clearly and lovingly, in a way that honours us both? That provides choice? That is connected to the joy of giving and receiving? To happily hear “No”? And how do I deeply hear what is going on for them, even when I am triggered?). And
  3. To deeply learn and embodying the skills and practices of NVC.

These 4 days will be highly nourishing, both physically and emotionally. We will be in a community of support and non-judgment. We will have yoga and empathy walks and connect with nature. And we will be deeply learning these powerful skills whilst receiving nurturing and gently releasing patterns, which we may have held onto for years.

You will leave refreshed, reinvigorated and confident in your ability to use NVC in any situation.

All this will be under the care and guidance of Shari Elle, and an experienced assistant trainer.

This experience will be one you are likely to remember forever.

See full details here…