Have you wanted to really live this NVC care authenticity, and power in your life as well as in all your relationships?

Do you want more clarity around the skills and how to apply the different paradigms of NVC?

Have you considered sharing this work with others, formally or informally, and would like mentorship, acceleration, and confidence in developing your skills?

Would you like this simple self-awareness and authenticity that NVC brings in all your relationships?

Would you like to step into your authentic leadership in your workplace or profession, to encourage the care, safety and trust that NVC brings?

If so, then the 6 month Peer Leadership and Mentoring Program in Australia may be what you have been hoping for…

  • Weekend Trainings – 3 x 2 day weekend peer leadership trainings (online) with the full group, led by certified trainer Shari Elle. We will cover the understanding and practical application of NVC at a deeper level than is normally shared during a regular NVC training (including Embodying NVC). It also provides the space to practically “live NVC” with each other. Group members may lead segments of training.
  • Fortnightly Live Trainings – Fortnightly 2 hour zoom calls, learning and practicing the NVC skills and principles and sharing our individual learning. This call is led by a certified trainer (usually Shari). These calls are recorded.
  • Mentoring by Shari – Shari will be working closely with each person over the 6 months and offering personalized guided feedback every step of the way.
  • One on one access to Shari – You will have direct access to Shari by short call, text or email, with questions, celebrations, or anything else you need.
  • Pods – You will be in a Pod of 3-5 people through the duration of the program and these pods will meet monthly with Shari for one hour. It is a time for questions, tracking how each member is going against their objectives, and to ask for any support you may need.
  • Empathy and Support Buddy (optional) – Empathy buddies are available from within your pod to practice the exercises, exchange empathy, and get honest feedback. This accelerates learning through increased practice and feedback.
  • Fortnightly Objectives – At the end of each online training session you will be asked to set your personal objectives for the next fortnight and record them on our Private FB Group. Before the next online session, you will be asked to reflect on how you went and also celebrations and gratitude – especially to yourself. This is an important part of creating a shift in your awareness yet takes only 5 – 10 minutes per fortnight to do.
  • Peer support group – We are all actively supportive of each person growing and developing in the group. We are there in service of each other.
  • Private Facebook Group – There is a private facebook group just for our group, where you will be asked to share weekly celebrations and learnings, and ask questions of the group.

For more information:


We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Dates and Times

  •  February 1, 2021 - June 23, 2021
     8:00 am - 5:00 pm



Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

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