Are You Limiting Your Ability to Connect?

Wow, we’re half way through 2018 and what a crazy and wonderful year it has been so far!

If you have been following me on Facebook, you may know that I’ve been travelling. If you want to see more, you can check out what I’ve been doing globally here.

But today I’d like to share with you the difference between what our mind tells us about a present situation versus how flesh, blood and human spirit connect us to the present moment.

Here’s the video…

A few months ago, I was in Palestine working with women in positions of leadership. Needless to say, Palestine is going through unparalleled difficulties at pretty much every level of its social, political and economic makeup. The challenges Palestinian women face are heartbreaking (to say the least) and well documented on media platforms all over the world.

I came in to meet these women with my full heart and intentions to connect and contribute within the community, yet what I didn’t realise was that I actually had preconceived ideas of “Palestinians” based on everything I’d already seen or heard.. I imagined people suffering and living in terrible conditions. I imagined downtrodden women just managing to survive in oppressive circumstances.

Yet the women I met were feisty, resilient and full of life. They loved dancing and sharing food, and welcomed us with overwhelming warmth and open arms. They were courageous. In short: these women we met were vibrant with life AND yes – living through very, very, very challenging circumstances.

What I had to remind myself of was this: the situation someone is living under, isn’t who they are.

If you’ve worked with me before, you would know that transformation comes from staying curious, open and present to the living spirit alive within each of us. Whenever you approach a situation or person (or yourself) with a preconceived notion of what ‘should’ be there, you are limiting the options available to you (and them) for change.

In the video above, you will learn about my time in Palestine and just how much impact you can have once you drop all of your preconceptions. And while you’re watching it – just imagine how much could shift if you approached every area of your life in this way? Relationships, work, community, economics, politics….


With love,