3 Reasons Why it’s important to Feel Your Feelings

This week, I want to share with you a video that I made recently that is close to my heart. In it, I share my thoughts on why it is so vitally important that we improve our abilities in sharing and expressing our emotions. I won’t say much more about it here because I’d prefer … Read more

What happens when we turn shame inside-out

Last month I had the privilege of facilitating another of our Embodying NVC 5 Day Trainings. I love these trainings for many reasons but mostly because they are how we can really immerse and embody these skills and awareness in a rich fun environment, 24 hours a day for a full 5-days. There are always … Read more

Listening (part 2)

Last week I shared with you the importance of listening and specifically, what listening is not. This week, I want to complete the circle by talking about ‘How to listen’. The first thing to understand about this subject is that what we are really wanting when we share a story is for someone to receive … Read more

Listening (part 1)

During the NVC foundation trainings that I run, we learn a skill called ‘Empathic listening’. To assist this learning, I often find it useful to start with a game that aims to teach the group; what empathic listening is not. I won’t go into all the details of the game here but I will say … Read more

Owning your Needs (part 2)

I often work with clients who for some reason or another, are brought up to believe that their needs don’t matter and that it is more important to give to others. As you might remember from my post last week, this is a familiar story in my life as well. What I didn’t share last … Read more

Why Your Needs Matter (part 1)

There is a set of universal needs that every human being on this planet has, whether they are aware of them or not. They are motivating every action we take. They are what makes life worthwhile, they bring richness to life. They are what help us to thrive and grow and bloom. To name just … Read more

Would you like to repair the past?

I used to think that once I had said something to offend someone or spoken in a way that wasn’t connecting to that person, that there was no coming back from it; that it was the end of it to the point where it was almost like it was the end of the relationship. Or … Read more

Living a life that is not yours

There are many things which I love about NVC, but I was reminded of one of them in particular quite recently – of how lovely it is to just say simply and clearly exactly what I really mean. It sounds obvious doesn’t it? Something that can only be supportive of rich and powerful communication that … Read more

Sitting in love and sorrow

I’ve been sharing a lot recently about last month’s 9 day International Intensive Training in Nonviolent Communication that was held in Bali, Indonesia. And that is simply because there was so much gained from this experience that I can’t help but want to share it with you Today’s post is no different and if anything, … Read more

Assumptions, connection and paying attention

A couple of weeks ago I broached the topic of diversity and how amazing it was to have so many countries and cultures from around the world represented at the recent 9 Day NVC International Intensive in Bali. In the daily Facebook live videos that I put out during that time, I did my best … Read more